One of my favourite movie is Harry Potter. Hogwarts uniform is very interesting. I want to have it my own. Students in Hogwarts must wear long robes and a tassel. It identify the house of each student. Harry,Ron and Hermione is in the Gryffindor's because they wear the red and yellow tassel. This show that they are in the Gryffindor's.
In the military they also wear uniform too. To show who they are a member with. If you ever see Avatar you can see many kinds of the uniforms. Each uniform represent to their group. It's show they are in the same social.
In the degree day something which your wear in the graduation ceremony identify your university. I don't know what it called. Each university and in the same university each faculty is different. So this uniform is a symbolic clothing that can tell what faculty and university the student comes from.
See more symbolic meaning of each house in HarryPotter here and symbolic mean of graduation uniform here And this site if you want to join the navi. here
ok, it will be better if you commented on our uniforms! (2)