Entrance exam day is the most important day of Korean student. Forasmuch, They have 1 opportunity of their life to do it. Everyone want to get into the top university of South Korea. So, they think that if they can get in to the top university of South Korea it can make their life better than the past. Furthermore, when they graduate from there they will get the best opportunity career and they will meet good husband. In that day, they go on their way to get the exam. In front of school, they will meet the junior students stand in the line and cheering up. So,at the temple their parents will pray for the best exam result of their children. Some of them they stand by out side the school and pray for their children too. That day, the government has provided the volunteers stand by to help students who might be late a lot.
That is to say before, this day is very important. Then the government command to teachers do not wear high heels because it cause of noise affect to damage concentration and people who work can late for that day. Furthermore, they command the airline stop flight in that time.
I think Thailand should be do like Korea because examination is very important for student. When I went to do exam at another school it has many things to disturb me in that time. If Thai government do like Korea it will be good for student and they can do their score better.
You can see how is joyous of that day you can follow this link